Making sure your bathroom stays clean should be a top priority. Luckily, keeping it sparkling is easier than you think. Try these simple cleaning solutions and see for yourself.
Solution: Natural Shower Cleaner
With so much constant moisture, your shower can be a breeding ground for all kinds of mildew and grime. But with the right tools and upkeep, you can stop unwanted growth before it starts.
Solution: Natural Toilet Cleaner
Toilets need love, too. Harsh chemical cleaners can be offensive to the senses and frankly quite expensive. As an alternative, try making your own natural toilet cleanerwith a few ingredients found around the house.
Solution: Natural Grout Cleaner
Grout. Hands down the trickiest part of any bathroom to keep clean. But when it sparkles, the whole bathroom feels rejuvenated. Try this easy home remedy for grout gunk.
Solution: Natural Drain Cleaner
Clogged drains happen. That’s just the way of the bathroom. Instead of stressing out over calling the plumber or resorting to intense drain chemicals, try this simple trick.
Solution: Natural Mold & Mildew Cleaner
If it had the chance, mold and mildew would completely take over your bathroom. Take back what’s yours with this easy and natural solution to your mold and mildew problems.